Samrruddhi is dedicated to offering humanity with natural and finest holistic and natural products that enhance personal health and contribute to world harmony. All our products are designed at our center with intense spiritual research and then handcrafted by skilled artisans.
Our family consist of Healers, Reiki Masters, Hypnotherapist, Spiritual Shamans, Metaphysicians and skilled artist. Our knowledgeable staff are always available to discuss with you the particular needs that have brought you to our website. We are a dedicated team who have been helping people find their inner power. We aspire to offer quality products and allow people to exchange knowledge that could morph into wisdom.
It is our pleasure to serve you by sharing our wisdom at Samrruddhi. We use our ancient wisdom with quantum theory of energy and scared geometry to prepare our products. This can positively influence human nature to be able to get rid of one’s issues. All our products are energized and activated by rituals and recitation of relevant mantras. Such procedure of activation makes the divine connection with cosmic energies easy while you use the products.
It is our intention to offer a well-rounded inventory of spiritually engaging items that are beautiful and affordable. We have a sacred, spiritual space and hold that focus daily, honoring all belief systems and walks of life. That intention creates an uplifting, clean, vibrant energy for those who buy our products.
Our Focus is to have metaphysics and mainstream collaborate. We are specialists in helping people with little or no experience, have the world of healing stones explained in words and terms they can understand. We are also adept at helping healers by providing the best quality healing tools. Our passion for crystals and metaphysical supplies keeps our product base ever growing as we search for and find more products that we believe will be enjoyed and that will be beneficial to our customers. So please be sure to come back soon and view our new products. If you would like to receive an e- mail of special offers, please add yourself to the mailing list. Follow us on Facebook too for the latest sales, giveaways, and much more. If you are looking for a hard to find crystal and do not find it on our site please email or call us and we will try our best to find what you are looking for, we have much more in shop products than on the website so we just may have that piece on hand!
Healing essential oils are natural oils extracted from therapeutic flowers and plants and blended in correct portions to suit the requirement of the suffering of the client.
Shree Yantra is one of the most auspicious, important and powerful Yantras, which not only gives the maximum benefit, but also proves beneficial for almost everybody.
The Chakra Balancing Pyramid is a 4-sided pyramid, made from 7 layers of natural healing crystals,Each of the crystal layers consists of material which corresponds.
Lord Ganesha, the second son of Lord Shiva and Parvati, is perhaps the most worshiped God in India. He is the lord of learning, growth and prosperity and the lord.
Warding off evil eye influence and protecting ourselves from negative energies is as important as increasing positive energy in and around us. Evil eye of people who are jealous of you, who can’t tolerate your progress or success .
Crystal trees also known as the “feng-shui” gem treeis studded with a set of precious crystals. This tree consists of multi-coloured semi-precious stones, each related to different chakras in our bodies.The multi-coloured crystal tree can be used to empower
Perfect dwelling at home can never be attained by expensive exteriors or affluent buildings; science of Vaastu was introduced keeping the same reality in mind. Spiritual researchers over many years have proved improvement in peace and happiness.
Every object or item have certain energy radiation surrounding it called “Aura”. As with any object, even your vehicles have Aura and consciousness. Using your vehicle with fear of driving, anxiety, stress, depression, agitation.
The pyramidal structure is a store house of energy. The sacred geometry of pyramid is built to incline towards Earth’s magnetic field and are perfect receivers and transmitters of cosmic energy. Using such a structure gives best results.
Sphatik Lingam is type of Lingam made from Sphatikam. Sphatika Lingam has divine power. In Puranas Sphatikam is the divine stone which represents the Trimurthi (Lords Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma) and goddess Shakti.
Crystal Malas create a cocoon of energy around the aura of the wearer and protects from unwanted energies entering the energy field. Crystal beads in the mala enhances positive energy in wearer by absorbing, storing, amplifying etc.
Self Healing Meditation CD Vol-1
Meditation, undoubtedly, is the best way to get to know your inner self. It is a proven fact that those who meditate regularly experience total rejuvenation, revitalization, and transformation by Holistic Healer Dr Purvi Jayaaraaj.
Disclaimer: The metaphysical and healing properties outlined in this website are for inspiration and reference. These properties are dependent upon the attitude and beliefs of the individual. In no way are they meant to replace diagnosis or treatment by a qualified therapist or physician. All our products are carved out of natural stones, as such, these crystals may have minor cuts, scratches, cracks or marks on them, which is part of its natural state and formation, please do not mistake them for damage. In fact, such markings are indication that they are natural crystals unlike products made from glass or marbles. The actual Product might slightly differ in color and texture from the image shown.
Healing essential oils are natural oils extracted from therapeutic flowers and plants and blended in correct portions to suit the requirement of the suffering of the client. As per alternative medicine, healing essential oils have curative effects and have been used medically from ancient times. Flower and plant essence/ extracts contain the vibrations or energy of the medicinal plant which is used to heal the imbalances in the body. Healing benefits by using such oils for different ailments or benefits are ascribed to the healer who scientifically blends the flower essence compounds in the oils in tune with the energy body of the person using it. These curative oils can be used to treat mental, physical, emotional problems to a good extinct by mere application. However, the applications of such oils are not recommended without a comprehensive and lengthy training and understanding of the oils from a qualified and experienced practitioner.
Benefits of Essential Oils
- To treat emotional problems such as fear, loneliness, over-sensitivity, anxiety and insufficient interest in present circumstances, uncertainty etc.
- To help recover from physical ailments like muscle pain, digestive, respiratory, circulatory and nervous system problems, headache and many more.
- To balance the chakras and to maintain an healthy aura
- To enhance the positive energy at home
- For spiritual enlightenment
- For good sleep
- To relieve tension
- For detoxification
- To repel negative energy
- For addiction
- To boost immune system
- Arthritis relief
- To relieve motion sickness
- To reduce fever
- To heal cracked feet
- To relieve nausea
- To reduce stretch marks and post pregnancy marks
- Balancing and harmonizing the flow of energy in the body
- To promote tranquility
- Creates a sense of balance and grounds negativity
- Helps to overcome depression, to relax, elevate and uplift the mood
- Helps to increase metabolism
- Increases deeper sense of self-love and well-being
- Balances hormones and calms symptoms of painful period cycle and menopause for women.
- Essential oils bear different therapeutic properties depending on the preparation of oils.
3 Magical Oils
Please note that these flower essence oils do not act as alternative to any drugless therapies rather they assist in faster recovery while undergoing such treatments. We have range of three essential oils primarily made up of Lavender, Frankincense and Vetiver to assist in rising the vibrations of those who choose to use them, these essences accelerate and expand the energy of the user and assist them in their everyday life by adding natural grace.
These highly charged essences when programmed to the energy bodies of the user provide therapeutic benefits in a magical manner. Using these volatile wonders of nature forms an integral part of holistic living and healing, but it must be remembered that they must be used appropriately as per instructions. I am proud to offer you a wide selection of these essences bearing therapeutic properties, which in many ways can be used in your daily grooming for both getting and staying healthier.
In addition to these impressive qualities they also transfer very pleasurable sensory experiences within minutes because of the fragrances and restorative natures, making hem impactful on user’s brain chemistry, emotional well-being and spiritual wellness. The remarkable uses of these oils can only be maximized by knowing which essence to use for what purpose and how to use each oil properly to ensure safety and effectiveness.
Essential oils can be a real bonus in one’s life when minor problems crop up, especially when they are stress related. So, take time to heal yourself, take time to treat yourself well and be loving, kind and gentle to yourself.
Natural Healing Oil for Better Clarity and Cleansing of Energy Fields
- Has relaxing effects on body
- Has calming effect on the mind
- Aids in meditation and good sleep
- Cleanses aura and strengthens all the chakras
- Can be used to ease symptoms of panic attack, irrational fears, anxiety, depression, nervousness and aggression.
- Aids in clarity of mind
- Strengthen will power
- Eases grief, distress and negative emotions
- Increase intuition and strengthen spiritual connection
- Can be used as an effective indoor space cleaner – can be used to eliminate negative energies from your home
- Inhalation of its aroma can help in boosting immunity and to prevent illness
- Fragrance of oil helps relieve chronic stress, fear, anxiety and associated symptoms
- Cleans out negative energies if diffused in a room on space. Traditionally used to neutralize bad frequencies during cleansing.
- Good for purification, best to negate negativity from body, aura and environment when diffused in a room.
Methods of use
- Add 6-8 drops of Natural Healing Oil to make a revitalising bath. Your body absorbs the oil through the skin and the hot water intensifies the vapours as you breathe in the benefits. This relieves pain also heals your aura and your energy level.
- Rub 2-3 drops of Natural Healing Oil on your waist, feet or temples. Then inhale the aroma to draw the scent.
- Rub few drops of Natural Healing Oil on your palms and rub on your pillow to help you sleep better.
- Can be applied to bottom of the feet to relax and balance mood swings
- Add few drops to a bowl of warm water, agitate the water vigorously, soak your feet to ground stress and heavy energies and to activate your feet chakras.
- Diffuser pots have been used since roman times for their therapeutic benefits or simply to create a pleasant fragrant atmosphere. Pour water on diffuser top, add a few drops of Natural Healing Oil and light the tea candle for a pure natural aromatherapy experience.
Note: For direct application always dilute Natural Healing Oil using a carrier oil such as coconut oil, jojoba oil etc.
Natural Healing Oil for Relaxation and Soothing Effects
- Has relaxing effects on body
- Has calming effect on the mind
- Increases intuition
- Aids in good sleep cycle
- Cleanses aura and strengthens all the chakras
- Helps in removing emotional blockages
- Ideal oil for deep spiritual work
- Cleans out negative energies if diffused in a room. Traditionally used to neutralize bad frequencies during cleansing.
Methods of use
- Add 6-8 drops of Natural Healing Oil to make a revitalising bath. Your body absorbs the oil through the skin and the hot water intensifies the vapours as you breathe in the benefits. This relieves pain, heals your aura and boots your energy levels.
- Rub 2-3 drops of Natural Healing Oil on your waist, feet or temples. Then inhale the aroma to draw the scent. This will have immediate calming effect in your mind and body.
- Rub few drops of Natural Healing Oil on your palms and rub on your pillow to help you sleep better.
- A few drops of Natural Healing Oil added to the last rinse of the washing machine leaves your clothes exquisitely fragrant.
- Can be applied to bottom of the feet to relax and balance mood swings
- Add few drops to a bowl of warm water, agitate the water vigorously, soak your feet to ground stress and heavy energies to activate your feet chakras.
- Diffuser pots have been used since roman times for their therapeutic benefits or simply to create a pleasant fragrant atmosphere. Pour water on diffuser top, add a few drops of Natural Healing Oil and light the tea candle for a pure natural aromatherapy experience.
Note: For direct application always dilute Natural Healing Oil using a carrier oil such as coconut oil, jojoba oil etc.
Natural Healing Oil for Pain Relief
- Has relaxing effects on body
- Has calming effect on the mind
- Has grounding effects and stabilizing especially when you feel restless in life
- Relaxes the nervous system by reducing emotional rigidity
- Supports healthy blood circulation
- Effective to address issues ranging from general aches to chronic pains.
- Helps gain relief from inflammations
- Rejuvenates the body
- Helps boosts immunity
Methods of use
- Add 6-8 drops of Natural Healing Oil to carrier oil (such as coconut oil, jojoba oil etc.) base and gently rub a little quantity on the desired area. Ideal usage method for headaches, muscle ache/ stiffness, sprain.
- Add 4-5 drops of Natural Healing Oil to carrier oil base and gently massage for a soft supple glowing skin and relaxed muscle. The aroma massage cab be refreshing or relaxing depending on the oils used.
- Add a blend of 6-8 drops of Natural Healing Oil to a bowl or cold water agitate the water vigorously. Immerse a clean hand towel in water squeeze out excess water and apply to a desired area for easing aches, pain and swelling.
- Note: For direct application always dilute Natural Healing Oil using a carrier oil such as coconut oil, jojoba oil etc.
Shree Yantra is one of the most auspicious, important and powerful Yantras, which not only gives the maximum benefit, but also proves beneficial for almost everybody.
It is the source of attaining all worldly desires & fulfilling all wishes through inner cosmic power & mental strength. “Shree Yantra” – Shree meaning wealth and Yantra meaning Instrument. The Shree Yantra brings about material and spiritual wealth.
Worshipping the Shree Yantra is said to help one release from the feeling of helplessness due to extreme stress, relationship problems, financial problems and just sheer bad luck. It helps one grow both spiritually and materialistically.
Shree Yantra has that unexplained power to fulfil all your wishes and change your life for the better. Shree Yantra is the answer to all the problems in life. Any person using Shree Yantra achieves wealth, peace and harmony.
‘Yamanaath Traayathe Ithi Yantraha’ – meaning – Yantra is one which protects people from troubles. Yantras are geometrical shapes like dots, straight lines, curved lines, triangles, and circles which are interlaced in certain ways such that they produce different types of positive energies.
The engraving in these Yantras corresponding to its representative God or Goddess represent the life force (or Praana) energy of the Gods.
Different forms of symbols used in Yantras:
Shapes and patterns commonly employed in Yantra include squares, triangles, circles and floral patterns – but may also include more complex and detailed symbols, for instance:
- The lotus flower typically represents chakras, with each petal representing a psychic propensity (or vritti) associated with that chakra.
- A dot, or bindu, represents the starting point of creation or the infinite, unexpressed cosmos
- The shatkona (Sanskrit name for a symbol identical to the star of David) composed of a balance between:
- An upwards triangle denoting action (or service), extroversion, masculinity or Shiva A downwards triangle denoting introversion, meditativeness, goddess energy or Shakti
- A swastika represents good luck, welfare, prosperity or spiritual victory
- Bija mantras (usually represented as characters of Devanagari that correspond to the acoustic roots of a chakra or vritti)
- The Shri Yantra is one of the most famous and ancient Yantra.
Note: The Yantra, unless activated by rituals and recitation of its mantra, is a mere piece of stone. However, once activated, the process of resonance appears and the divine cosmic energies will manifest them into the meditating person’s aura influencing his/her body, mind and soul.
All products at Samrruddhi has been energized and ready to be used.
Benefits of worshiping Shree Chakra Yantra:
1. Ward off negative energies;
2. Increases cosmic energy in you and your place;
3. Increases your inner strength;
4. Gives you protection from unwanted energies;
5. Helps in spiritual advancement;
6. Gives you psychic abilities; and
7. Brings peace of mind and inner harmony.
About Tiger’s Eye

As a brown color metamorphic rock used to make our Shree Yanta is used as Chatoyant stone in astrology. Its golden hue is accentuated in its luster by yellow and brown stripes that give it the effect of Tiger’s eye. This is the stone that ignites the inner flame in humans to make them brim with boldness, brightness, and extreme patience.
Belonging to Natural Healing stone family and is used to ward off ill-effects of all nine planets. It is extracted from crocidolite mineral and is oxidized to get its golden-brown hues. It is believed that Ancient Indians, Greeks and Roman used to wear to bestow them with Tiger like attributes. Despite its remarkable astrological and metaphysical properties, it is a highly affordable crystal as well.
Properties of this Crystals:
Self-discipline, practicality, protection, grounding peacefulness, clarity, intelligence, intuition & psychic powers, new experiences, financial stability, calmness, releasing inhibitions, integrity, willpower, prosperity, personal power,kundalini awakening and Chakras activation. Used for Vastu rectification. Healing lore: Heal wounds, bruises, colon, digestion, stomach problems, eyes, night vision, reduce pain, alcoholism, reproductive system.
How to use
Placement: Shree Yantra can be worshiped by placing it in your Pooja Room in your house or place of worship in your workplace. For best results place one of the sides of the Yantra facing East. However, it’s not mandatory to place the Yantra only in the Pooja room, you may place it in any room or space in office. Shree Yantra’s energy spreads many feet all around the area of its placement.
Method: You may worship the Shree Yantra in the usual manner you worship your house/favourite deity. You may also use the Shree yantra for Meditation and connect with it during your usual meditation practices.
How to Energize: It would be a good practice to re-energise the crystal to gain maximum benefits. Once a while on any full moon day bathe the Yantra under running water (tap water) and leave it in the moon light for some time (around 10 to 15 minutes). Natural Crystals like Tiger’s Eye have life span of thousands of years and its benefits can be reaped for years together by connecting with them through any simple method that you feel is right way for you.
About Green Aventurine

Aventurine gemstone finds extensive use in gem therapy, Feng Shui, Talisman and ornamental jewelry. It is suitable for everyone and brings good luck, positivity, happiness, health and wealth to whoever uses it.
Aventurine brings of good luck, happiness and fortune. Green aventurine crystals are kept as lucky stones in order to attract good vibes and repel harmful situations. Aventurine is said to ward off negative energies and radiations by absorbing them and not letting them reach the user. Whether it’s the envy of people, or strong electromagnetic radiations from long exposures to electronic devices like laptops etc., aventurine keeps the user safe from all.
Aventurine benefits the mental state of its possessor. It brings calmness, tranquility and contentedness into his life, along with strong friendships and mutually healthy relationships. Aventurine gem instils qualities of leadership in the user. It grants focus, clarity of vision, the ability to make wise decisions and be open to new ideas.
Properties of this Crystals: Healing, money, mental agility, see potentials, happiness, peace, opening heart, creativity, imagination, motivation, leadership, friendship, gambling luck, good fortune, career success, protection. Healing lore: Strong healing, vision (physical), blood, headaches, sleep disorders, circulatory system.
How to use
Placement: Shree Yantra can be worshiped by placing it in your Pooja Room in your house or place of worship in your workplace. For best results place the Yantra facing East. However, it’s not mandatory to place the Yantra only the Pooja room, you may place it in any room or space of office. Shree Yantra’s energy spreads many feet all around the area of its placement.
Method: You may worship the Shree Yantra in the usual manner you worship your house/favourite deity. You may also use the Shree yantra for Meditation and connect with it during your usual meditation practices.
How to Energize: It would be a good practice re-energise the crystal once a while to gain maximum benefits. Once a while on any full moon day bathe the Yantra under running water (tap water) and leave it in the moon light for some time (around 10 to 15 minutes). Natural Crystals like Aventurine have life span of thousands of years and its benefits can be reaped for years together by connecting with them through any simple method that you feel is right way for you.
The Chakra Balancing Pyramid is a 4-sided pyramid, made from 7 layers of natural healing crystals. Each of the crystal layers consists of material which corresponds to the etheric energies of each of the 7 main chakras in the human body, in the same order in which the layers appear, from lowest (red for the Mooladhara Chakra) to the highest (violet for the crown chakra).Each of the crystals in this pyramid associate to harmonizing, cleansing and empowering a specific chakra.
These seven chakra pyramids are layered and bonded together with crystals like red jasper, orange jade, yellow jade, green aventurine, turquoise, blue agate and amethyst.
The positions of each of the chakras in the human body, as well as their colors is shown in the diagram below:

From the diagram, you can see how each of the layers of the pyramid corresponds to each of the chakras.
The Sanskrit word chakra literally translates to a disk or wheel. They are energy centers located at the mid-line of the body. There are many chakras in the human subtle body but 7 chakras are considered to be major and most important ones. Any imbalances in these chakras can result in varied type of physical, mental and emotional issues. Awareness to which of your chakras are out of balance could be a key to regain one’s health. For example, frequent throat infections could be due to blockage in the throat chakra, recurring headaches could be due to defect in the Agna chakra located at the forehead.
Defects in Chakras
a. Overactive chakras
b. Underactive chakras
c. Blocked chakras
d. Misalignment of chakras
e. Structural energetic defects in chakras
Most of the physical ailments which go undiagnosed or which do not respond to medical treatments could be because of defects mentioned above
Here are some of the examples of psychological issues and other problems which can trigger due to such defects.
- Excessive fear
- Suicidal tendency
- Nervousness
- Dominance
- Excessive sexual urge
- Lack of interest in sex
- Lack of creativity
- Feeling victimized or guilty
- Timidity
- Unable to forgive others
- Suffering from excessive ego, jealousy, hatred, inferiority or superiority complex
- Excessive confusion
- Unable to take firm decisions
- Afraid of change
- Lack of love
- Wanting to or unable to control everything
- Uncontrolled anger aggressiveness
- Self-pitying, self-hatred, seeking others attention etc.
Though there are many ways to heal and rectify the defects of chakras, taking assistance of natural crystal makes the job simple and easy.
Benefits of using Chakra Balancing pyramid<
- The pyramidal structure is a store house of energy. The sacred geometry of pyramid is built to incline towards Earth’s magnetic field and are perfect receivers and transmitters of cosmos energy. Meditating with such a structure gives best results to manifest desired intentions.
- If Chakras are unbalanced in a person and not properly aligned or blocked – it can affect physical and mental health. The spiritual development is also connected with the good health of the Chakra. The chakra balancing crystal pyramid helps align and balance the chakras in one’s body.
- The combination of the divine symmetry of the Pyramid with the divine symmetry of Crystal creates it as a strong object which has a huge reservoir of vitality and vigour to help you heal your mental, physical, spiritual concerns.
- The Chakra Balancing Pyramid create a strong pulsating healing power many feet around the area of its placement and helps to drive away the evil forces from the home or office environment.
- Just place in your home or office or anywhere that you wish to create positive energy, the pyramid does it’s work for you.
- Effective for students as placing on study table helps them to have a relaxed mind, sharper focus and better memory.
About Crystals in the pyramid and
their healing affect with the associated Chakras
1)Red Jasper – Is the supreme nurturer and encourages spiritual development at a gentle rate. Can also help alleviate stress.2)Associated Chakra is Root Chakra (Mooladhara): The seat of physical vitality and the fundamental urge to survive. It regulates those mechanisms which keep the physical body alive. It is the chakra whose main aspect is innocence.
3>Properties: Survival / Grounding / Stability, gravitation drawing into a point, trust, Survival, self-preservation, root support, desire to be in the physical world.
4) Orange Jade -Brings joy and teaches the interconnectedness of all beings. It is energetic and quietly stimulating.
5) Associated Chakra is Sacral Chakra (Swadhishtana): The seat of physical vitality and the fundamental urge to survive. It regulates those mechanisms which keep the physical body alive. It is the chakra whose main aspect is innocence.
6) Properties:Relationships, Sexuality, Empathy, Pleasure, Well-being, connection, delight, emotions, feeling, polarity, change, Gonads and reproductive organs, legs.
7) Yellow Jade -Is thought to be a very lucky crystal. Energetic and stimulating, brings joy and happiness.
8) Associated Chakra is Solar Plexus (Manipura Chakra): Located at the center of the body it is the place where physical energy is distributed. It is the center for unrefined emotions and personal power. It is the center that give us the sense of complete satisfaction and contentment. Our creativity is fueled by our power of will.
9) Properties: Will Power, Joy, Motivation, self-esteem, transformation, identification, mastery, will over your own light, power in relationship with others, vitality, energy, standing steady in your own self, desire to express individuality, Pancreas, stomach, liver, gall-bladder.
10) Green Aventurine -A comforting, all round healing and harmonising crystal.
11) Associated chakra is Heart Chakra (Anahata): The center of real, unconditional affection, spiritual growth, compassion, devotion and love. It is the bridge connecting the lower and higher energies of our being and is the place where resides our Spirit, our true Self, free and independent.
12) Properties: Compassion, Love, open-hearted, desire for self-acceptance, balance emotions, harmony, place of integration, Thymus, heart, liver, lungs, blood circulation.
13) Turquoise -A good all-round healer. Is said to be a good choice for migraines and for soothing the eyes. It is thought to help poor circulation.
14) Associated chakra is Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): The center for communication, self-expression and creativity. This is where the inner voice of one’s truth is expressed. It is the chakra of diplomacy, of pure relationships with others, and of playful detachment. Speaking with a knowledge of our interconnectivity through Spirit reflects mastery of this energy.
15) Properties: Communication, Creativity, Sound, Intuition, Synthesis, Self-expression, Desire to speak and hear the truth, Thyroid gland, throat, upper lungs, arms.
16) Blue Agate -Is a blue healing crystal that promotes psychic ability. A bonding stone in love and friendship.
a) Associated Chakra is Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): The seat of intuition and direct spiritual vision; it is here that we visualize things through our “third eye” of intuitive knowledge. The opening of the third-eye corresponds with spiritual awakening. It is the chakra of forgiveness and compassion.
b) Properties: Knowingness / Intuition / Perception, Self-Mastery, wisdom, imagination, Pituitary gland, spine, lower brain, left eye, nose and the ears.
17) Amethyst – Is a violet crystal which helps develop your psychic abilities. It is known as one of the master healers.
a) Associated Chakra is Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): This chakra represents the highest level of consciousness and enlightenment. It is the connective center to spirit. This center integrates all the chakras with their respective qualities. Mastering the lower vibrational aspects of our being we reside in the full awareness that we are spiritual beings living a human existence
b) Properties: Unification of colors Intelligence / Bliss of Divine Wisdom Pineal gland Upper brain and right eye.
How to use
The chakra balancing pyramid can be used in multiple ways by using your own creative visualization. however, below are some of the suggested methods:
1. Place the pyramid either on your study table/ work desk or in any corner of your house/ office to amplify the positive energy in and around you.
2. Chakra Balancing Pyramid is one of the most effective tools to balance your defective chakra. hold the pyramid in your hand and focus on the chakra you want to work on by visualizing the cosmic energy beaming into the chakra through the pyramid.
3. you may also carefully place the pyramid on your body on the relevant chakra position and perform the visualization.
Lord Ganesha, the second son of Lord Shiva and Parvati, is perhaps the most worshiped God in India. He is the lord of learning, growth and prosperity and the lord of obstacles – hence the name Vighnaraja. When pleased he removes all the obstacles from your path. Before worshiping any one, you must worship Lord Ganesha.
There many ways one can impress Ganesha and easiest way is worshipping him in form a crystal which helps the devotee connect with spiritual cosmic energy effectively and efficiently.
Just like using an appropriate vehicle helps reach the destination with ease and quick, using the right material to worship the lord helps in connecting with divine energy easily and gain his blessings.
Worshipping Lord Ganesha made up of natural healing crystal ‘Labradorite’ who is said to solve all kinds of troubles and touch all aspects of human life with his holy presence.
Labradorite radiates a predominant blue crystal energy that stimulates spiritual energy through all the chakras – the energy centers, of the body. It creates a vortex of energy in the user that allows the divine energy flow through all the chakras and connect with ease with divine consciousness.
About Labradorite Crystal
Labradorite is a highly mystical and protective stone, it works on all areas of the mind and body increasing energy and clarifying thought processes. It is known as the bringer of light and is excellent for meditation, directing energies with more intensity allowing you to connect to your high self and seek out our spiritual purpose. Helps clear and protect your aura. Labradorite stimulates intuition, raising the consciousness and connecting to the universal energy. It is a stone of transformation, reflection and showing true intensions.
Labradorite Crystal is a stone of magic, awakening within you mystical and magical abilities and psychic powers. It has within it a deeply felt resonance that is very powerful, and it can be used to bring amazing changes to your life. Its vibration also holds a broad level of protection from negativity, so it cannot be used for ill will protection. This is a stone whose energy is quite visible to the user, as it just seems to work so quickly.
Alignment, attract success, dreams, reduce stress and anxiety, spiritual connection, transformation, clarity, peace, progression, psychic development, discernment. Healing lore: Stress related illness, anxiety disorders
Benefits of worshiping
- Aids spiritual progress
- Labradorite is said to increase intuition, psychic development, esoteric wisdom,
- help with subconscious issues, and provide mental illumination
- Bearing characteristic energies of both the Sun and the Moon. It helps assure success and brings changes in the quality of life.
- Labradorite facilitates the communication between the subconscious and conscious mind, thereby awaking intuition
- This stone prevents the unnecessary loss of energy at the level of the etheric body and strengthens the aura
- Labradorite can influence and heal all seven chakras
How to use
- Labradorite Ganesha can be used in any manner comfortable by the devotee as Lord gets please by any simple devotional procedure done with pure heart.
- Labradorite Ganesha can be worshipped in the pooja room with devotion
- It can be kept in your vehicle for protection
- Can be placed in any room to experience the benefits of lord and divine crystal
- After you have constructed a new house or purchased a new property
- After you have started a new business or profession
- After you have gained promotion at work
- After someone in your house has gone abroad on work or for higher studies
- After some relative or friend who is very jealous of you has visited your house
If you have faced frequent fights at home, frequent accidents or frequent incidence of someone or the other going sick at home then there is a high possibility of being under the negative influence of evil eye of others.
It is of at most importance that you protect yourself from Dark Energies entering you or your house/place of residence/place of work. It is practically not possible to avoid interacting with people who are jealous of you, many times you won’t even know the evil thoughts and intentions of people who interact with you. Also, if you run any business you will have hundreds of people vising your place, every person has different thought forms, in them there could be many who envy your progress.
If you don’t protect yourself from such people then you will be inviting unnecessary troubles like:
- Frequent losses in all your endeavours
- Sudden downfall in your financial status
- Lack of peace at home and work place
- Kids crying often for no reason
- Frequent night mares
- Misunderstand in relationships
- Fighting often during celebrations and festivals
- Frequent theft or accidents
Dwara Raksha Kavachacan cleanse and stabilize the aura of the place by removing and/or transforming negative energy. Because of the harmonizing qualities of agate, and its emotional energies of removing and releasing resentments and bitterness, it is also considered by many to be an excellent stone for helping to heal and improve relationships.
About Agate Eye
Samrruddhi has come out with an exclusive product to help you gain protection from negative energies and evil eye. Evil Eye Protection crystal is a naturally formed Healing Agate Eye emitting high frequency energy that guards you in all aspects. This healing stone has natural eye like pattern in it.
By using this one can experience more courage, emotional strength, self-confidence and dispel fear. It can also lessen feelings of envy by grounding the negative emotions. These qualities make agate superior for easing anxiety and stress. Plume agates are especially helpful for anxiety and stress relief. Particularly when its placed on the entrance of place of residence, it can help to ground all unwanted energies generated in and around the place and thereby attracting more positive energy and harmony.
This Evil eye protection Agate Eye Crystal helps in balancing yin/yang energy gives courage, protection, healing and brings in peace and tranquility. Historically it was placed in water for cooking or drinking to dispel sickness, to ward off evil spirits and forces.
The Metaphysical and Healing Properties Lore of this specific type of agate brings courage and strength. Agate is a stone of strength. It was used by the Ancients on the breastplates of armour to give warriors strength and make them victorious in battle. Energetically, it is considered to give strength in both battle and physically.
Note: The Yantra, unless activated by rituals and recitation of its mantra, is a mere piece of stone. However, once activated, the process of resonance appears and the divine cosmic energies will manifest them into the meditating person’s aura influencing his/her body, mind and soul.
All products at Samrruddhi has been energized and ready to be used.
Benefits of using Dwara Raksha Kavacha
- Protects against Evil Eye and Evil forces
- Excellent to clean the aura of the place and increase positive energy
- Helps to ground unwanted energies
- Cleanses negative emotions of inmates of the house and outsiders
- Showers protection and strength
- Best suited for people who are sensitive and lonely or easily hurt.
- Can be used as a protection against black magic, troublesome spirits and negative thought forms.
How to use
Hang the Dwara Raksha Kavacha to the entrance of your house or place of residence and pray an intention in your mind that the crystal is warding off all evil energies and is creating a doorway of light, peace and harmony in your house/office.
Once a while (e.g., one month) you may cleanse the crystal by placing it under running water (regular tap water) or wash it with salt water and imagine that the crystal is being recharged with its natural potential of protection and healing.
Properties of Agate Eye
Protection, good luck, balance body/mind/spirit, perceptiveness, strength, courage, strength, inspiration, awaken talents.
Agate Eye is a stone of strength and courage; it tones and strengthens the mind & body, grounding and stabilising emotions and physical energy. Agate helps with the acceptance of oneself and to see the truth. Its healing and cleansing qualities eliminate negative energy, soothing and calming the mind, body & spirit.
Crystal trees also known as the “feng-shui” gem treeis studded with a set of precious crystals. This tree consists of multi-coloured semi-precious stones, each related to different chakras in our bodies.
It will generate good fortune, good health, happiness, prosperity and great relationship. It balances your chakras, yin and yang and the 5 elements so that one could achieve the highest excellence in all areas of one’s life. The multi-coloured crystal tree can be used to empower and infuse your home or workplace with healthful energy. They are also best used for healing and protection by producing sacred space for homes and workplaces. The multi-coloured crystal tree will be combined with either amethyst, smoky quartz, tiger eye, rose quartz, white crystal, blue lace agate, green aventurine, red agate etc. Therefore, it is excellent to balance our seven chakras, masculine and feminine energies and the 5 elements of our surroundings.
Properties of Crystals
Every semi-precious stone in the crystal tree emits different form of energies that helps in healing and manifesting different qualities for our wellbeing.
- Red Jasper: Helps heal Muladhara Chakra. Properties – Protection, good luck, balance body/mind/spirit, perceptiveness, strength, inspiration, awaken talents.
- Orange carnelian: Helps heal Swadistana Chakra. Properties – creativity, manifestation, good luck, precision, analytical capabilities, verbal skill, protection, protection from anger, jealousy and fear, peace, spirituality, reduce sorrow.
- Yellow Citrine: Helps heal Manipura Chakra. Properties – Success, intuition, comfort, creativity, physical energy, wealth, mental awakening, protection, good fortune/ luck, decrease nightmares,
- Green Aventurine: Helps heal Heart Chakra: Properties – Healing, money, mental agility, increased potentials, happiness, peace, opening heart, creativity, imagination, motivation, leadership, friendship, gambling luck, good fortune, career success, protection.
- Amethyst: Helps heal throat and Ajna Chakras: Properties – “Sobriety Stone”, Peace, Calm, Inner Strength, Spirituality, Psychic Abilities, DreamWorks, Legal Problems, Money Issues.
- Quartz: Helps heal Sahasrara Chakra and heal damages in the aura. Properties – Power stone, intensify energy, spiritual development, healing, raising consciousness, counter black magic.
How to use?
The multi-coloured crystal tree can be placed anywhere you want to cleanse and enhance positive energy, including the bedroom.
It’s a good practise to re-charge these crystals every now and then (once a month). The best way to reactivate them is to shine some lights on them or put them under the sun for an hour or so. You may also leave it in the moon light on a full moon, to let the crystals soak in the cosmic energy. Other practises like charging them with Doopa/incense sticks can also be done.
Perfect dwelling at home can never be attained by expensive exteriors or affluent buildings; science of Vaastu was introduced keeping the same reality in mind. Spiritual researchers over many years have proved improvement in peace and happiness at the place of residence by adopting principles of Vaastu, but unfortunately accommodation of all the Vaastu principles precisely in the premises that we reside is never feasible.
The effect of depletion of spiritual vibrations at home due to negligence of abiding these principles is most often felt by the residents in one form or the other. Frequent unexpected illnesses, recurring accidents, paranormal activities, recurring discord or animosity at house, lack of peace, mental distress are some of the examples of unpleasant and distressing frequencies generated in the premises. Reconstruction of buildings or making major alterations wouldn’t be feasible in most of the cases; in such a scenario, the only available alternative would be to resort to some simple remedies to avoid the effect of haphazard vibrations.
When one chooses to opt for such alternative remedies care must be taken to check what kind of vibrations can be created at the premises by their usage and how assuring can these alternatives be in bringing down distress. Though there are many alternatives available to resolve this issue, the most effective approach would be to resort for something that is natural and which can, not only emit consistent positive vibrations at home but also something which can observe unwanted energies from home naturally.
We have come across many defective houses of our clients that have put the occupants to misery although they had performed many rituals like Vaastu puja, homa, Sarala Vaastu etc. in a grand manner. Any Vaastu defects will ultimately lead to emitting and attracting negative energies spoiling the atmosphere at home which in turn affects the mental peace, physical health of the occupants. Most of the time the rituals performed to seek blessing will be neither enough nor will continuously beam positive energy to tackle the permanent exterior damage caused by wrong construction. The deployment of Vaastu enhancer board consisting of natural healing stones emitting positive vibrations 24/7 in defectively structured houses can mitigate the problems connected with defective Vaastu. Employment of a Vaastu board is an inexpensive exercise which is easy to implement too.
Vaastu enhancer boards are made up of natural healing stones, formed in nature over hundreds and thousands of years which emit particular form of healing energy based on the process and pattern of formation in the nature. These healing stones emit energies which have various properties of cleansing and healing. By usage of these healing stones being arranged in a definite manner wide range of benefits can be acquired.
Vaastu enhancer board is a technique that employs precious healing crystals as a channel for natural healing energy. The stones in this board are laid by intense scientific research in a manner to channel positive energy into the house to cure and protect the house and the inmates against mental, physical, emotional and spiritual problems while removing negative energies.

The Vaastu enhancer board taps into the traditional Ancient Indian and Egyptian concept of increasing life energy (prana shakti) and balancing chakras of the house and its inmates. The board also focuses on balancing the five elements namely Earth, Water, Sky, Ether, Air which in turn helps in bringing love, peace, harmony, abundance and progress.
Benefits of VaastuEnhancer Board
a) Rectifying Vaastu defects in a house
b) Balancing chakras of the inmates of the house
c) Mental peace at home
d) Warding off evil spirits
e) Protection against evil eye
f) Grounding negativity
g) Clearing unwanted emotions residing at home
h) To ward off sickness or ill health
i) Attracting wealth and abundance
j) Physical abundance of inmates of the house etc.
VaastuEnhancerBoard is usually advised for people who are suffering from emotional, mental, spiritual or monetary blockages.
The healing stones used in the board help in balancing, healing and cleansing the energies at the house which will in-turn give residents of the house a boost for the overall harmony of the family.
Vaastu EnhancerBoard has beencarefully programmed, channelled and Energized at Abhivrudhi, to amplify the positive vibration of a house/office and in turn to benefit the inmates of the place, by simply placing it in a desired area can strengthen and tone up the entire energy system of the place.
Rectification of imbalances and negative energies due to Vaastu defects can be attained by the usage of these healing stones which emit healing energies which act as a remedy to remove Vaastu dosh.
Usage of Vaastu enhancer board is one of the resolutions which can be easily followed without making any major changes in the existing building. Logically speaking if one cannot change the exteriors of the house the only available alternative is to focus on increasing the positive energy inside.
Using the vastu energizer board helps to counter balance the negative elements of vastu in any place easily by just placing it in an appropriate place and direction.
This Vaastu enhancer board is tailor made
a) for those suffering from problems of frequent fights at home
b) increased disturbances during celebrations, festivals and pujas
c) Repetitive ill-health and hospitalization of members at home
This board is especially effective for those suffering from ill-effects of black magic, evil eye, mysterious symptoms at house/space being haunted like hearing unexplainable noises, rattling sounds of doors or windows, unexplainable shadows, disturbed sleep etc.
Properties of Crystals

The type of stones to be used, the positioning of stones in the boards, energizing them, programming them, channelling them etc.are chosen according to the symptoms, issues, problems arising out of defects in 5 elements principles of science of Vaastu. All this is influenced by the healing crystal philosophy in Vaastuknowledge and with in-depth study of energy imbalances (a concept largely neglected and dismissed by most, which is root cause of major sufferings in the society).
The benefits and power of healing stones have long been recognized from the ancient times of Dwapara Yuga, Thretha Yuga to modern healing alternative medicine therapies. These stones available in nature emit natural healing energies which have been prized for their beauty, special powers and spiritual healing properties by healers, priests, meditators and spiritual seekers worldwide.
After years of study, experimentation and guidance of my masters across the world, Sammrruddhi has researched that, to correct the energy field at the place of residence one needs another energy field which should be natural and not man-made gadgets and symbols. Developing and experimenting with various energy devices we have found out something which is proved to be one of the naturally available remedies, which are completely energy based and can be an answer.
Here are the Exclusive, Rare and Precious Healing Crystals used in our Board

5 elements – Vaastu&Crystals
The causative nature of the five elements: Water, Air, Fire, Earth and Space are the key to the study and practice of Vaastu.
The entire Universe, whether it is stars, planets, moons, or any form of life, is made up of these five elements. In buildings, each direction is dominated by one element – a balanced state being the cause of positive, and an imbalanced state the cause of negative effects.
It is the balance or imbalance among these Panchtattva that makes one’s Space a virtual heaven or hell.
An underground water tank in South Zone will cause anxiety, fire-accidents, restlessness and disturbed sleep. Similarly, the fire placed in North Zone (Zone of Water) will block new opportunities, receipt of payments and lack of orders, as they are attributes of this Zone. So here in these examples, you can see how an imbalanced state of elements in a building creates problematic real-life situations.
It is associated with conception of new ideas, clarity of thoughts, creation of new vision, flowing of new opportunities in your life, healing energy, immunity and restoration of health. Water dominates the North direction in buildings.
When Balanced State is achieved by using Precious Crystal:
When Water is in balanced state in a building, the people in such buildings can see the larger picture of life. Though their attitude towards life becomes spiritual and philosophical, they are, at the core, essentially, worldly beings.
Air represents growth in your life. It is also associated with movement, especially rotational movement, so it brings refreshment, fun, joy and happiness in life. This element dominates the East. The Chinese call it the Wood element.
When Balanced State is achieved by using Precious Crystal:
Air gives you the courage to try new things, take risks for your growth and to explore your inner-self. You get to meet people who pave the way for your growth and you perform impressively.
Fire is the driving force behind all life processes and thus is equated with money in modern era. It can transform your life with confidence and enthusiasm. South is the direction of Fire.
When Balanced State is achieved by using Precious Crystal:
In its balanced state, Fire brings you fame and recognition among the masses. It gives you zeal, power, strength, confidence and money, which become the driving force behind life and its processes.
Mother Earth gives stability. balance, infinite patience and maturity in character are imbued by this element. Earth dominates the centre and diagonal directions in every built-up Space.
When Balanced State is achieved by using Precious Crystal:
When balanced, this element induces stability in your life – be it your career, behaviour, relationships, or results of your efforts. It encourages towards a feeling of peace and harmony with the entire world – especially with those related by blood.
Space represents expansion, enhancement, extension, spread, communication and even thought process (Mental Space). Space dominates the Western direction. The Chinese call it the Metal element owing to perfect space configuration in metals (Atomic Structure).
When Balanced State is achieved by using Precious Crystal:
In a balanced state, Space gives you the charge of your destiny. It gives you a sense of direction and the ability to get organized, ensuring that you excel in all that you do. Space gives you the knowledge and awareness to understand new, creative and beneficial ideas.
So, we shall have to live without hindering the five elements based system of the nature. If interference is happened in the said system then some disaster may happen in life. If we read the rules of Vaastu Shastra then we shall be able to understand that if we make drawings of our houses and business places maintaining consistency with nature then residents of those places will have very good and sophisticated relation with each other and so they will lead a peaceful life.
Every object or item have certain energy radiation surrounding it called “Aura”. As with any object, even your vehicles have Aura and consciousness. Using your vehicle with fear of driving, anxiety, stress, depression, agitation towards traffic, congestion, negative thoughts, panic or with any other pre-occupied negative emotions can constantly beam negative energy into your vehicle. The Aura of your vehicle must be cleansed to ensure safe travel. Having something in one’s vehicle, which can protect your vehicle and the occupants will be beneficial in our lives as most of us spend considerable amount of time travelling.
About the vehicle protector
Using the vehicle protector is an easy and effective technique to balance and heal the energies of your vehicle naturally. The natural healing metal used in the vehicle protector wards off the negative energy, heals the aura, cleanses it and draws divine energies to protect the vehicle. It also prevents the vehicle from absorbing negative energies not just from the user but from any other source, especially the negativity from other people like jealousy, hatred, evil eye etc. The positive vibrations constantly emitted by the vehicle protector creates a sacred space inside the vehicle as well as surrounds the entire energy field with positive energy and shields it from any outside negative influences. Therefore, you can clear the aura of your vehicle without having to do much every time you drive. Not everybody can have control over circumstances that can make you vulnerable while travelling. As such, choosing to do something more simpler is always more sensible.
Significance of Bronze Pyramids
The sacred shape of Pyramidal structure has been proved as the source of supernatural and Cosmic energy of the universe. Its uses can be traced back from the Egyptian times where they were used like tools to amplify the positive energy and to ward off negative vibrations. Pyramids are used to bring good luck, health, wealth, prosperity and to also shower protection. These pyramids hold special power when made in metals like gold, silver or bronze. Human association with metals goes a long way back in history. The ancient people viewed metals as mysterious materials found deep inside the earth and believed them to be full of spiritual powers and potential for creation as well as destruction. Bronze has been considered as a metal of protection, wisdom and strength. It teaches the values of transformation and adaptability. Bronze represents the free spirit, wild nature or animal power dwelling within all humans.
How to use
The Bronze pyramid can be used in multiple ways by using your own creative visualization. however, below are some of the suggested methods:
1. Place the pyramid on the dash board or in any convenient place in the car
2. Place the pyramid either on your study table/ work desk or in any corner of your house/ office to amplify the positive energy in and around you.
3. It can also be used as a wish pyramid, by placing your desires or intensions written in a piece of paper and place it inside the pyramid.
- The pyramidal structure is a store house of energy. The sacred geometry of pyramid is built to incline towards Earth’s magnetic field and are perfect receivers and transmitters of cosmic energy. Using such a structure gives best results to manifest desired intentions.
- A dot, or bindu, represents the starting point of creation or the infinite, unexpressed cosmos
- The sacred shape of Pyramidal structure has been proved as the source of supernatural and Cosmic energy of the universe. Its uses can be traced back from the Egyptian times where they were used like tools to amplify the positive energy and to ward off negative vibrations. Pyramids are used to bring good luck, health, wealth, prosperity and to also shower protection.
- These pyramids hold special power when made in metals like gold, silver or bronze. Human association with metals goes a long way back in history. The ancient people viewed metals as mysterious materials found deep inside the earth and believed them to be full of spiritual powers and potential for creation as well as destruction.
- Copper is one of the oldest metals know to humanity. Copper metallurgy has flourished in different cultures, including the Middle Eastern, Asian, European, Central & South American and Native American. Copper embodies the nurturing aspect of men and women and their youthfulness. It symbolizes characteristics like strength, protection, healing, charisma, feminine beauty, abundance, artistic creativity, affection, caring and balance. It is also considered a healing metal that teaches about living a fulfilling life.
- Copper pyramids as a healing tool are not based on religion but healing through the Science of the Soul that helps strengthen a person to make positive changes through meditation, self-healing techniques leading to self-realization and self-actualization to evolve into a more harmless, spiritual way of life creating a beautiful life.
Benefits of using Copper Pyramids
- Copper pyramids when used as a cap during meditation (known as the ‘Meditation Head Pyramid’) stimulates more synaptic activity and activates a larger amount of the brain cells. It helps to balance the pituitary and pineal glands as well as the left and right hemispheres of the brain. It also helps naturally balancing and aligning the chakras and meridians.
- The Pyramid can be also used to vitalize food, supplements or plants or together with a picture or name for long distance healing. Copper Pyramid never needs to be energetically cleared or cleansed.
- Copper pyramids can energize the aura/energy field of the house, office or any place by just placing them in any corner or table.
- Copper pyramids aids is sleep if kept below or next to the bed, protecting from negative influences, de-crystallize negative patterns or habits, healing the mind, body and emotions.
- Reported benefits also include being blessed with a loving, quiet mind, pain relief and as an aid to faster recovery from surgical operations.
- Place the copper pyramid over a bed, desk, chair or massage table help maintain a sacred space and transform, transmute and protect from negative energies.
- Meditation in the Pyramid has a transcendental effect and the system can also be used for long distance healing by placing pictures or names of people inside.
- The Pyramid never needs to be energetically cleared or cleansed.
- The Pyramid creates the same spiritual realm as a holy Temple or Mandala. Practicing Meditation in the Pyramid improves telepathic communication, and improves all other aspects of personal life: relationships become deeper, the personality becomes more honest and humble, and other members of the family and those connected with you benefit.
How to use
One can use this amazing tool in any manner as it seems appropriate according to their desire and need, here are some tips that can be useful:
- Place the pyramid on your head as a cap while meditating
- Charge the water you drink and food you consume under the pyramid
- Place the photo of person who needs healing
- Place any intention or desire written on a piece of paper under the pyramid
- Place it next to your bed
- Place it on your workstation/study table/reception area
- Place your jewelry or any item you want to charge with positive energy
- Place the pyramid on any area of your body which need healing
- Place it in the house or office to rectify Vaastu defects and to neutralize negative influences
Sphatik Lingam is type of Lingam made from Sphatikam. Sphatika Lingam has divine power. In Puranas Sphatikam is the divine stone which represents the Trimurthi (Lords Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma) and goddess Shakti. As per Yajur Vedam Lord Shiva is also described as “Jyothi sphatika Lingam”, i.e. Lord Shiva is in the form of Jyothi, Lingam and Sphatika. Lord Shiva resides in atom, electron and neutron of the sphatika lingam.
According to ancients ‘Prana Prathista of Shiva Lingam’ is not required when the lingam is made with sphatikam. By touching sphatika lingam in the early morning will bring positive effects for the whole day.
Sphatika Shivling Pooja has been in practice ever since, as it was believed to be a source of power and energy. While they believed this on an intuitive level, modern measuring equipment has proved this to be correct
About Sphatika
In the metaphysical world, Clear Quartz crystals are the supreme gift of Mother Earth. Even the smallest is imbued with the properties of a master healer teacher. Ancients believed these stones to be alive, taking a breath once every hundred years or so, and many cultures thought them to be incarnations of the Divine. It is a great conductor of energy. The capacity of Spatik is to increase or strengthen the positive things in you and make free from causes you fear or anger. Spatik possess strong field of light and energy which can be used as a sonic protection in opposition to negative vibrations. Spatik strengthen your ability and can improve your abilities to enjoy life and complete the things you desire in life.
In Sphatik these atoms vibrate at a very constant frequency. The characteristics of quartz make a brilliant acceptor and emitter of electromagnetic waves. Due to this quartz is normally used in radios, watches, and numerous electronic technologies.
Sphatika enhances energy by absorbing, storing, amplifying, balancing, focusing and transmitting. It channels universal energy. It also enhances thoughts, as they are a form of energy. Because it directs and amplifies energy, it is extremely beneficial for manifesting, healing, meditation, protection, and channelling.
Sphatika lingam was worshiped as Lord Chandramauleeswara in Chidabaram, Tamilnadu, Lord Sundareswara in Meenakshi Temple, Madurai Lord Ramanathaswamy in Rameshwaram, Tamilnadu.
Benefits of worshiping Sphatika Shiv Ling
- Worshiping sphatika lingam with water, milk or vibhuthi will eliminate all negative energies present in the once body.
- Problems like frequent Accidents, severe illness, Recurring Misfortune will be eliminated and desires will be fulfilled when sphatika linga is worshiped with sacred mantras like Om Namah Shivaya Japa or Maha Mrutyumjaya mantra.
- The vibrations present in the sphatika lingam are very high and will counteract all the negative effects of planets Worshipping Sphatika Linga will give confidence, power, perfection and removes all sorts of worries.
- Sphatika Lingam worship will enhance wealth and prosperity. Sphatika Shiva lingam gives tremendous concentration and is better for students, businessmen and people who need to achieve goals.
- Crystal Sphatik shivling will diminish the negative force and harmonize the atmosphere around us
Sphatika Properties
Power stone, intensify energy, spiritual development, healing, raising consciousness, counter black magic. Master Healer, mental and physical energy, stamina, physical strength.
How to use
Sphatika shiva linga can be used in any manner comfortable by the devotee as lord shiva gets please by any simple devotional procedure done with pure heart. However, the following method can also be adopted for maximum benefits.
- The devotee must take bath and wear fresh clothes.
- Chant Lord Shiva Mantra (“Om Namaha Shivaya”) or any other sacred Shiva Mantra to tune into the energy
- Decorate Shiv Ling with flowers and sandalwood paste.
- Offer prasadam like fruits or sweets to Lord Shiva.
- Burn Camphor and perform Aarti and ring the bell.
- Apply vibhuti on the forehead and distribute the prasadam to family members.
Crystal Malas create a cocoon of energy around the aura of the wearer and protects from unwanted energies entering the energy field. Crystal beads in the mala enhances positive energy in wearer by absorbing, storing, amplifying, balancing, focusing and transmitting. Wearing Mala made up of healing crystals formed naturally in the nature can be used to purify energies on the spiritual, mental, and physical planes.
Multi coloured Crystal Mala is made up of 108 plus 1 bead. The beads are clear and round in shape. Every colour in the mala is associated with a Chakra in the body. Mala made from multi crystals gives concentration, emotional stability, focus, strength, better communication skills, intuition, enhanced spiritual energy and many more.
Multi Coloured Crystal Malas are the best and easiest ways to balance and heal the chakras. Mala can be used for healing and meditation purposes also.
About Chakra Balancing Mala
If the chakras in a person are not balanced or if the energy in them are blocked the prana energy or basic life force energy passing through them will be slowed down. And such an individual will suffer not only with physical bodily ill-health and diseases but also the thought process and mind will be affected negative attitude, fear, doubt, laziness, weakness may pre-occupy the individual. If any imbalances exist within any chakra it may have profound effects either on one physical and mental health.
Keeping the chakras healthy promotes health and sense of well-being. Using natural healing stones available in nature emitting innate healing energies help to rebalance all chakras effectively. By helping chakras to balance properly with the help of such external assistance physical and mental well-being can be reached easily.
The reason why healing rocks or stones are so wonderful and powerful tools to balance the chakras are because of the piezoelectric effect, the same can be seen in quartz watches. The energy emitting from these beads in the bracelets are made out of natural healing stones available in nature respond to the electricity running through our body. And if the energy is sluggish in our body or chakras the constant electric vibrations of these stones will help to harmonize, balance and stimulate the energies.
The easiest way to remember what each bead does is by learning the properties of colour which will help you identify the general functions of these healing stones. The colour energy of these stones has enormous potential to heal your chakras.
I. Red beads:It is associated with the first chakra at the base of the spine called mooladhara/ root chakra.
Helps to overcome fear, anxiety, insecurities, frustration, suicidal tendencies, laziness and other physical ailments related to hips, legs, lower back and sexual parts.
II. Orange beads: It is associated with the sacral centre or swadisthana chakra located two inches below the naval.
The energy emitted from this bead help to overcome issues related to sexuality, creativity, self-gratification and emotional imbalances, and physical ailments related to sexual organs, kidneys, stiff lower back, constipation, bladder and reproductive organs for women.
III. Yellow beads: They are associated with solar plexus or manipoora chakra located two inches below breast bone.
Helps to heal problems related to ego, anger, success, self-esteem etc., and physical ailments like digestive difficulties, liver problem, diabetes, food allergies etc.
IV. Pink beads: They are associated with heart or anahata chakra located behind the breast bone.
The healing energies emitting from these pink stones bring in more love, compassion and emotional empowerment helps one to lore themselves and others and helps to recover from physical ailments like high blood pressure, difficulty in breathing and other heart and related issues.
V. Blue beads: They are associated with the throat or visuddhi chakra located at the throat.
They aid in communication, expression of thought, truthfulness and faith. When this chakra is weak one may feel timid, be quiet, feel weak, can’t express thoughts and may also undergo physical illness like hyper thyroid, ear problems, sore throat, neck pain etc.
VI. Indigo beads: They are associated with the third eye or agna chakra.
By using energy beads that amplify the energy of the agna chakra one can enjoy higher intuition, psychic abilities, increased memory power and sixth sense. It also helps in overcoming physical symptoms like headache, eye strain etc.
VII. Violet beads: They are associated with the crown chakra or sahasrara chakra. It is located two inches above your brahmarandra.
Energizing this center with healing stones brings the gift of better connection with the source.
How to use
Crystal Malas can either be used to wear it around the neck or for Japas and meditation.
Simply wear the mala around the neck with an intention of having all your chakras balanced and healthy and let the mala do its wonders on you.One can wear the Mala all the time without any restrictions, including even during the time of taking bath.
It can also be used while reciting Bhija Mantras of respective chakras to activate them.

Here is the list of Bhija Mantra that can be reciting while holding the Respective Chakra Bead in the Mala: