Shree Chakra Yantra

Shree Yantra is one of the most auspicious, important and powerful Yantras, which not only gives the maximum benefit, but also proves beneficial for almost everybody.
It is the source of attaining all worldly desires & fulfilling all wishes through inner cosmic power & mental strength. “Shree Yantra” – Shree meaning wealth and Yantra meaning Instrument. The Shree Yantra brings about material and spiritual wealth.
Worshipping the Shree Yantra is said to help one release from the feeling of helplessness due to extreme stress, relationship problems, financial problems and just sheer bad luck. It helps one grow both spiritually and materialistically.
Shree Yantra has that unexplained power to fulfil all your wishes and change your life for the better. Shree Yantra is the answer to all the problems in life. Any person using Shree Yantra achieves wealth, peace and harmony.
‘Yamanaath Traayathe Ithi Yantraha’ – meaning – Yantra is one which protects people from troubles. Yantras are geometrical shapes like dots, straight lines, curved lines, triangles, and circles which are interlaced in certain ways such that they produce different types of positive energies.
The engraving in these Yantras corresponding to its representative God or Goddess represent the life force (or Praana) energy of the Gods.
Different forms of symbols used in Yantras:
Shapes and patterns commonly employed in Yantra include squares, triangles, circles and floral patterns – but may also include more complex and detailed symbols, for instance:
- The lotus flower typically represents chakras, with each petal representing a psychic propensity (or vritti) associated with that chakra.
- A dot, or bindu, represents the starting point of creation or the infinite, unexpressed cosmos.
- The shatkona (Sanskrit name for a symbol identical to the star of David) composed of a balance between:
- An upwards triangle denoting action (or service), extroversion, masculinity or Shiva
- A downwards triangle denoting introversion, meditativeness, goddess energy or Shakti
- A swastika represents good luck, welfare, prosperity or spiritual victory
- Bija mantras (usually represented as characters of Devanagari that correspond to the acoustic roots of a chakra or vritti)
- The Shri Yantra is one of the most famous and ancient Yantra.
Note: The Yantra, unless activated by rituals and recitation of its mantra, is a mere piece of stone. However, once activated, the process of resonance appears and the divine cosmic energies will manifest them into the meditating person’s aura influencing his/her body, mind and soul.
All products at Samrruddhi has been energized and ready to be used.
Benefits of worshiping Shree Chakra Yantra:
1. Ward off negative energies;
2. Increases cosmic energy in you and your place;
3. Increases your inner strength;
4. Gives you protection from unwanted energies;
5. Helps in spiritual advancement;
6. Gives you psychic abilities; and
7. Brings peace of mind and inner harmony.
Shree Yantra for Prosperity

About Tiger’s Eye
As a brown color metamorphic rock used to make our Shree Yanta is used as Chatoyant stone in astrology. Its golden hue is accentuated in its luster by yellow and brown stripes that give it the effect of Tiger’s eye. This is the stone that ignites the inner flame in humans to make them brim with boldness, brightness, and extreme patience.
Belonging to Natural Healing stone family and is used to ward off ill-effects of all nine planets. It is extracted from crocidolite mineral and is oxidized to get its golden-brown hues. It is believed that Ancient Indians, Greeks and Roman used to wear to bestow them with Tiger like attributes. Despite its remarkable astrological and metaphysical properties, it is a highly affordable crystal as well.
Properties of this Crystals:
Self-discipline, practicality, protection, grounding peacefulness, clarity, intelligence, intuition & psychic powers, new experiences, financial stability, calmness, releasing inhibitions, integrity, willpower, prosperity, personal power,kundalini awakening and Chakras activation. Used for Vastu rectification. Healing lore: Heal wounds, bruises, colon, digestion, stomach problems, eyes, night vision, reduce pain, alcoholism, reproductive system.
How to use
Placement: Shree Yantra can be worshiped by placing it in your Pooja Room in your house or place of worship in your workplace. For best results place one of the sides of the Yantra facing East. However, it’s not mandatory to place the Yantra only in the Pooja room, you may place it in any room or space in office. Shree Yantra’s energy spreads many feet all around the area of its placement.
Method: You may worship the Shree Yantra in the usual manner you worship your house/favourite deity. You may also use the Shree yantra for Meditation and connect with it during your usual meditation practices.
How to Energize: It would be a good practice to re-energise the crystal to gain maximum benefits. Once a while on any full moon day bathe the Yantra under running water (tap water) and leave it in the moon light for some time (around 10 to 15 minutes). Natural Crystals like Tiger’s Eye have life span of thousands of years and its benefits can be reaped for years together by connecting with them through any simple method that you feel is right way for you.
Shree Yantra for Wellbeing

About Green Aventurine
Aventurine gemstone finds extensive use in gem therapy, Feng Shui, Talisman and ornamental jewelry. It is suitable for everyone and brings good luck, positivity, happiness, health and wealth to whoever uses it.
Aventurine brings of good luck, happiness and fortune. Green aventurine crystals are kept as lucky stones in order to attract good vibes and repel harmful situations. Aventurine is said to ward off negative energies and radiations by absorbing them and not letting them reach the user. Whether it’s the envy of people, or strong electromagnetic radiations from long exposures to electronic devices like laptops etc., aventurine keeps the user safe from all.
Aventurine benefits the mental state of its possessor. It brings calmness, tranquility and contentedness into his life, along with strong friendships and mutually healthy relationships. Aventurine gem instils qualities of leadership in the user. It grants focus, clarity of vision, the ability to make wise decisions and be open to new ideas.
Properties of this Crystals: Healing, money, mental agility, see potentials, happiness, peace, opening heart, creativity, imagination, motivation, leadership, friendship, gambling luck, good fortune, career success, protection. Healing lore: Strong healing, vision (physical), blood, headaches, sleep disorders, circulatory system.
How to use
Placement: Shree Yantra can be worshiped by placing it in your Pooja Room in your house or place of worship in your workplace. For best results place the Yantra facing East. However, it’s not mandatory to place the Yantra only the Pooja room, you may place it in any room or space of office. Shree Yantra’s energy spreads many feet all around the area of its placement.
Method: You may worship the Shree Yantra in the usual manner you worship your house/favourite deity. You may also use the Shree yantra for Meditation and connect with it during your usual meditation practices.
How to Energize: It would be a good practice re-energise the crystal once a while to gain maximum benefits. Once a while on any full moon day bathe the Yantra under running water (tap water) and leave it in the moon light for some time (around 10 to 15 minutes). Natural Crystals like Aventurine have life span of thousands of years and its benefits can be reaped for years together by connecting with them through any simple method that you feel is right way for you.