Essential Oils

Healing essential oils are natural oils extracted from therapeutic flowers and plants and blended in correct portions to suit the requirement of the suffering of the client. As per alternative medicine, healing essential oils have curative effects and have been used medically from ancient times. Flower and plant essence/ extracts contain the vibrations or energy of the medicinal plant which is used to heal the imbalances in the body. Healing benefits by using such oils for different ailments or benefits are ascribed to the healer who scientifically blends the flower essence compounds in the oils in tune with the energy body of the person using it.

These curative oils can be used to treat mental, physical, emotional problems to a good extinct by mere application. However, the applications of such oils are not recommended without a comprehensive and lengthy training and understanding of the oils from a qualified and experienced practitioner.

Benefits of Essential Oils

  • To treat emotional problems such as fear, loneliness, over-sensitivity, anxiety and insufficient interest in present circumstances, uncertainty etc.
  • To help recover from physical ailments like muscle pain, digestive, respiratory, circulatory and nervous system problems, headache and many more.
  • To balance the chakras and to maintain an healthy aura.
  • To enhance the positive energy at home
  • For spiritual enlightenment
  • For good sleep
  • To relieve tension
  • For detoxification
  • To repel negative energy
  • For addiction
  • To boost immune system
  • Arthritis relief
  • To relieve motion sickness
  • To reduce fever
  • To heal cracked feet
  • To relieve nausea
  • To reduce stretch marks and post pregnancy marks
  • Balancing and harmonizing the flow of energy in the body
  • To promote tranquility
  • Creates a sense of balance and grounds negativity
  • Helps to overcome depression, to relax, elevate and uplift the mood
  • Helps to increase metabolism
  • Increases deeper sense of self-love and well-being
  • Balances hormones and calms symptoms of painful period cycle and menopause for women.
  • Essential oils bear different therapeutic properties depending on the preparation of oils.

3 Magical Oils

Please note that these flower essence oils do not act as alternative to any drugless therapies rather they assist in faster recovery while undergoing such treatments. We have range of three essential oils primarily made up of Lavender, Frankincense and Vetiver to assist in rising the vibrations of those who choose to use them, these essences accelerate and expand the energy of the user and assist them in their everyday life by adding natural grace.

These highly charged essences when programmed to the energy bodies of the user provide therapeutic benefits in a magical manner. Using these volatile wonders of nature forms an integral part of holistic living and healing, but it must be remembered that they must be used appropriately as per instructions. I am proud to offer you a wide selection of these essences bearing therapeutic properties, which in many ways can be used in your daily grooming for both getting and staying healthier.

In addition to these impressive qualities they also transfer very pleasurable sensory experiences within minutes because of the fragrances and restorative natures, making hem impactful on user’s brain chemistry, emotional well-being and spiritual wellness. The remarkable uses of these oils can only be maximized by knowing which essence to use for what purpose and how to use each oil properly to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Essential oils can be a real bonus in one’s life when minor problems crop up, especially when they are stress related. So, take time to heal yourself, take time to treat yourself well and be loving, kind and gentle to yourself.


“Natural Healing Oil for Better Clarity and Cleansing of Energy Fields”


  • Has relaxing effects on body
  • Has calming effect on the mind
  • Aids in meditation and good sleep
  • Cleanses aura and strengthens all the chakras
  • Can be used to ease symptoms of panic attack, irrational fears, anxiety, depression, nervousness and aggression.
  • Aids in clarity of mind
  • Strengthen will power
  • Eases grief, distress and negative emotions
  • Increase intuition and strengthen spiritual connection
  • Can be used as an effective indoor space cleaner – can be used to eliminate negative energies from your home
  • Inhalation of its aroma can help in boosting immunity and to prevent illness
  • Fragrance of oil helps relieve chronic stress, fear, anxiety and associated symptoms
  • Cleans out negative energies if diffused in a room on space. Traditionally used to neutralize bad frequencies during cleansing.
  • Good for purification, best to negate negativity from body, aura and environment when diffused in a room.

Methods of use

  • Add 6-8 drops of Natural Healing Oil to make a revitalising bath. Your body absorbs the oil through the skin and the hot water intensifies the vapours as you breathe in the benefits. This relieves pain also heals your aura and your energy level.
  • Rub 2-3 drops of Natural Healing Oil on your waist, feet or temples. Then inhale the aroma to draw the scent.
  • Rub few drops of Natural Healing Oil on your palms and rub on your pillow to help you sleep better.
  • Can be applied to bottom of the feet to relax and balance mood swings
  • Add few drops to a bowl of warm water, agitate the water vigorously, soak your feet to ground stress and heavy energies and to activate your feet chakras.
  • Diffuser pots have been used since roman times for their therapeutic benefits or simply to create a pleasant fragrant atmosphere. Pour water on diffuser top, add a few drops of Natural Healing Oil and light the tea candle for a pure natural aromatherapy experience.

Note: For direct application always dilute Natural Healing Oil using a carrier oil such as coconut oil, jojoba oil etc.


Natural Healing Oil for Relaxation and Soothing Effects


  • Has relaxing effects on body
  • Has calming effect on the mind
  • Increases intuition
  • Aids in good sleep cycle
  • Cleanses aura and strengthens all the chakras
  • Helps in removing emotional blockages.
  • Ideal oil for deep spiritual work
  • Cleans out negative energies if diffused in a room. Traditionally used to neutralize bad frequencies during cleansing.

Methods of use

    • Add 6-8 drops of Natural Healing Oil to make a revitalising bath. Your body absorbs the oil through the skin and the hot water intensifies the vapours as you breathe in the benefits. This relieves pain, heals your aura and boots your energy levels.
    • Rub 2-3 drops of Natural Healing Oil on your waist, feet or temples. Then inhale the aroma to draw the scent. This will have immediate calming effect in your mind and body.
    • Rub few drops of Natural Healing Oil on your palms and rub on your pillow to help you sleep better.
    • A few drops of Natural Healing Oil added to the last rinse of the washing machine leaves your clothes exquisitely fragrant.
    • Can be applied to bottom of the feet to relax and balance mood swings
    • Add few drops to a bowl of warm water, agitate the water vigorously, soak your feet to ground stress and heavy energies to activate your feet chakras.
    • Diffuser pots have been used since roman times for their therapeutic benefits or simply to create a pleasant fragrant atmosphere. Pour wateron diffuser top, add a few drops of Natural Healing Oil and light the tea candle for a pure natural aromatherapy experience.

Note: For direct application always dilute Natural Healing Oil using a carrier oil such as coconut oil, jojoba oil etc.


Natural Healing Oil for Pain Relief


  • Has relaxing effects on body
  • Has calming effect on the mind
  • Has grounding effects and stabilizing especially when you feel restless in life
  • Relaxes the nervous system by reducing emotional rigidity
  • Supports healthy blood circulation
  • Effective to address issues ranging from general aches to chronic pains.
  • Helps gain relief from inflammations
  • Rejuvenates the body
  • Helps boosts immunity

Methods of use

  • Add 6-8 drops of Natural Healing Oil to carrier oil (such as coconut oil, jojoba oil etc.) base and gently rub a little quantity on the desired area. Ideal usage method for headaches, muscle ache/ stiffness, sprain.
  • Add 4-5 drops of Natural Healing Oil to carrier oil base and gently massage for a soft supple glowing skin and relaxed muscle. The aroma massage cab be refreshing or relaxing depending on the oils used.
  • Add a blend of 6-8 drops of Natural Healing Oil to a bowl or cold water agitate the water vigorously. Immerse a clean hand towel in water squeeze out excess water and apply to a desired area for easing aches, pain and swelling.
  • Note: For direct application always dilute Natural Healing Oil using a carrier oil such as coconut oil, jojoba oil etc.

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