Date(s) - 01/01/2023 - 01/07/2023
9:30 am - 4:00 pm
Samrruddhi Healing Center
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About is Positive Energy?
All around you, and throughout the entire universe, circulates the life energy. It exists not only as an energy field around every living thing, but also circulates through the earth, through the atmosphere around us and throughout nature. The flow of this energy connects everything that exists, and you, as a living being, are taking in this energy at every moment. You are always drawing this life energy into your own energy field, and it is this energy that supports your life, as well as the life of all you seek to heal. In order to practice energy channeling conducting a greater measure of this energy into your patient for the purposes of performing healing work you must first learn to bring a greater measure of the energy into your own energy field.
Everything in creation is made up of electromagnetic energy vibrating at different frequencies that correspond to sound, light and color. The existence of electromagnetic fields around every object in the world – known as an Aura – is a scientifically proven fact. The Chinese refer to this energy as ‘Chi’ (pronounced Chee), in Sanskrit we call it as Prana Shakthi and the Japanese call it Qi , it’s the vital life force energy of the Universe, present within every living thing. Western medical science is now beginning to take a serious look at ancient Far Eastern traditions that focus on Chi, the life force energy which flows through the body pathways – known as meridians and chakras – of all living forms, all beings, in order to maintain health and wellness, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Why learn this course?
Theories of traditional holistic healing assert that the body has natural patterns of Qi (Prana Shakthi) associated with it that circulate in channels called meridians in English. Symptoms of various illnesses are often seen as the product of disrupted or unbalanced qi movement through such channels (including blockages), deficiencies or imbalances of qi, in the various organs. Traditional holistic healing seeks to relieve these imbalances by adjusting the flow of qi in the body using a variety of therapeutic techniques.
Chi has been written about and studied for over ten thousand years, from China and Japan to India, the Hawaiian Islands and South America. Chi is the energy of life itself, recognized as the balance of Yin and Yang (male and female, positive and negative, electromagnetic energy), which flows through everything in creation. Chi is at the foundation of many health and fitness practices such as Massage, Yoga, Martial Arts, Reiki, Pranic Healing, Feng Shui, Acupuncture and Acupressure.
The technique you will use to do this is referred to as Filling in the Positive Energy. You call in the energy by using your own power of intuition awakened through attunement by the mentor. Visualization will be one of your most important tools as a practitioner because it allows you to direct the energy with your effortless intention alone. To call in the energy, using visualization, you will “see”—in your “mind’s eye” or “psychic sight”—this energy begin to flow into you, from all around you, in greater and greater measure. You will also “see” this energy, as it flows into you, move through your body towards your shoulders, down your arms, and collect in your hands, so that you may then channel it into self or your patient. Calling in the energy, using this visualization, will start the energy flowing through you in this manner when it is time for you to begin a healing treatment. In this course you will be thought different exercises that will help you in becoming practiced and comfortable in calling in the energy.
There have been miraculous recoveries from innumerable incurable diseases. “Qi or chi is the source of everything, the building block of all things. Human beings are made of living cells, and when we look into each cell we see a membrane, the nucleus and so on. Then if you look further into that structure you will see atoms – electrons, protons, and neutrons. And if you look even further, scientists now tell us that they can see energy there. However, according to the 5,000-year-old Chinese Qigong theory, if you go beyond scientific measurement – this is called the chi level. We can communicate with the chi level using our minds to do different things, such as healing.”
Tens of thousands of people have visited our center to learn how to use Chi (Prana Shakthi) and heal themselves naturally by practicing this course.
What will the course cover?
The Positive Energy Workshop is one method which will help in unblocking the ‘Chi pathways’ and ensure a maximum flow of this healing source through all body organs, to restore normal or improved function to impaired organs and body systems. You will Learn methods and techniques to boosts and allow the Chi energy to flow naturally thereby supporting spiritual, physical, mental and emotional strength to enable health, fitness and wellness.
Some people perceive the presence of Chi more easily than others, but the ability to perceive it is inherent in all of us. Through faith and regular practice, almost everyone feels a rush of Chi flow through their body.
Positive Energy workshop we teach therapies through which you can restore internal balance and harmony.
During the workshop will I be surely able to sense the positive energy or Chi flow through me?
As you learn this new skill of energy channeling, do not be too concerned with whatever sensations you may feel or not feel as the energy flows through you. For different healers, and with different patients, there will be times when you definitely sense the energy flow as you channel the energy, and also times when you do not sense it as much or may just barely sense it.
The degree to which you sense the energy flow as you channel it into your patient is not necessarily related to the amount or kind of energy you are conducting or the effectiveness of the treatment you provide. You will find, when you gain a good deal of experience in energy channeling, that you will become “transparent,” in a sense. You may sense the flow of energy through you, but you will also sense a freedom from your body and mind, a simple awareness of acting as a channel for the energy, as though you were witnessing your own body and the energy transfer.
Right now, from the very beginning of your energy healing work, start moving away from worrying about yourself, and instead begin to become aware of the energy, and the energy field of your patient. In energy healing, you must “forget yourself” and instead seek to become one with your patient and the energy, as you work.
Why is it mandatory to learn this workshop to take healing sessions at your center?
The energy of Chi emits vibrant, bright colors (the aura), a vibrational frequency, and a sound. When Chi becomes disturbed, stagnant, imbalanced or depleted, dis-ease and illness begin to take form – the aura becomes darker and discolored, personal frequency vibrates incorrectly, and the meridians (energy pathways – Chinese origin), and chakras (energy centers – Indian origin), within the body, become blocked. Now to heal a sufferer we need to not just eradicate the root cause behind such a disturbance, through healing sessions, rather also teach him or her how to refill the energy lost, which must be practiced for a certain period of time depending on the intensity of the issue.
Your therapy sessions will go in vain if you don’t know the art of rectifying the flow of chi as and when required. Healing your body mind and soul is majorly your responsibility and a Healer can only show you the right way to do it, the Positive Energy workshop is just the right way to kick start your journey to inner healing via Drugless Therapy.
How will I know if I need to take both healing sessions and workshop to help my concerns or is it sufficient to attend one of them?
No client is allowed to attend any of our workshops or healing sessions without having to meet Dr Purvi Jayaaraaj in a face to face consultation. This is where you are guided with choosing the healing methods that best suit you, healing meditations and practices that must be incorporated in your daily life to take control of your health effectively.
About the Mentor
Dr Purvi Jayaaraaj is an Energy and Subconscious Mind expert and the founder of Samrruddhi Healing Center and Institute of Drugless Therapy. She is the host of a Monthly, interactive, self-healing workshops events like Positive Energy, Reiki, Hypnosis and many other modalities
As a workshop leader and presenter Dr Purvi has brought the power of mind and energy to audiences, students and online viewers for over 7 years. Teaching in many parts of the world like India, Egypt, USA, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Japan, France, among others, Dr Purvi has led thousands of people during workshops, retreats, and Drugless Practitioner trainings.
She is a prolific creator of courses and workshops to help educate and inspire people about how to transform limitations like depression, trauma or cultural conditioning into natural health, peace and love. She adeptly guides audiences to accept the healing power of unconditional love though her work.
Dr Purvi serves so that all may achieve and fulfill their true purpose – thus creating heaven on earth together.
As a proven Inspirational keynote speaker Dr Purvi help, Engage, Empower, Inspire the audience with her wisdom. She is an ace master at igniting the zeal to live and kindle the inner drive to achieve and succeed with their own inner potential. Thousands all over the world have overcome extreme concerns, conquered insurmountable obstacles by re-energizing and motivating self through the meditation practices thought by her.
To know more about Dr Purvi Jayaaraaj please click here.
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