Date(s) - 01/01/2023 - 20/07/2023
9:30 am - 4:00 pm
Samrruddhi Healing Center
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About Jikiden Reiki
Jikiden” means direct or directly handed down without alteration which allows us to experience Reiki in its original form as thought by its founder Master Usui. Jikiden Reiki essentially focuses on treatment of illnesses both physical and psychological through energy/Prana/Chi/Ki/life force energy which is available in abundance in nature. Jikiden Reiki stands for original reiki teachings, which belongs to an authentic Japanese lineage.
Jikiden Reiki (直傳靈氣, directly taught Reiki) is the original authentic Reiki that was taught and practiced in prewar Japan. It is based on the traditional Japanese culture and values, unaffected by the Western thinking and cultures. Western Reiki has evolved from the original Japanese Reiki but lost important therapeutic techniques and introduced misunderstandings that make their Reiki less effective.
Chiyoko Yamaguchi (山口千代子) and her relatives learned the original Reiki from master Hayashi in 1930th and continued to use it during and after the war. In 1999, Chiyoko and her son Tadao (山口忠夫) successfully restored the original Hayashi’s system as Jikiden Reiki by collecting notes, photographs, and memories retained among their relatives.
Currently, Jikiden Reiki is the only system available to anyone who can learn the original authentic Reiki. There are now over 10,000 Jikiden Reiki practitioners in Japan as well as another 10,000 practitioners abroad in over 40 countries. Its textbook is available in English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, and Hungarian. Many non-Japanese people appreciate this traditional genuine Reiki.
This lineage goes from Master Mikao Usui sensei to Master Chujiro Hayashi to Master Mrs. Chiyoko Yamaguchi to her son Master Tadao Yamaguchi and my Master Frank Arjava Petter.
In short it is the original method as thought by Master Usui (Founder of Reiki) devised for the improvement of body and mind. If you are already a wester Reiki student then you must know that Master Mrs Takata’s Lineage has lot of alterations and false information as compared to the original teachings of Master Usui, whereas in Jikiden Reiki all seminars worldwide follow exactly the same format so that information is always passed on without alteration.
Jikiden Reiki brings back many effective and important techniques that have been lost in Western Reiki.
Why learn Jikiden Reiki?
Jikiden Reiki Association is an international community of Jikiden Reiki practitioners and teachers supporting each other in their practice and teaching of this form of Usui Reiki.
The Jikiden Reiki Association is dedicated to promoting communication among Jikiden practitioners and Jikiden teachers and to providing information about the teaching and traditional practice of a simple, effective and original form of Usui Reiki taught by Dr. Chujiro Hayashi to Wasaburo Sugano and his extended family in Ishikawa, Japan in the 1930s.
Dr. Hayashi learned Reiki and the Reiki Gokai or precepts directly from Mikao Usui the founder of Reiki and was one of his 22 Reiki teachers or shihans. Mrs. Chiyoko Yamaguchi, the cofounder of Jikiden Reiki took her first Shoden Reiki seminar from Chujiro Hayashi in Ishikawa, Japan, in 1938 at the age of 17 and she practiced and taught Reiki in Japan until she died in 2003.
The Jikiden Reiki Kenkyukai was cofounded by Chiyoko Yamaguchi and her son Tadao Yamaguchi. Mr. Yamaguchi and Jikiden Reiki teachers or shihans taught by the Yamaguchis and Frank Arjava Petter are currently teaching Jikiden Reiki seminars worldwide.
Dr Purvi Jayaaraaj has been privileged with the opportunity to learn this authentic healing modality from Tadao Yamaguchi as well as Frank Arjava Petter. She is now a certified as Jikiden Reiki Shihan: the second level of Jikiden Reiki Teacher. As a Jikiden Reiki Shihan she is eligible to teach both the Shoden and Okuden level Jikiden seminars worldwide.
As a student of Dr Purvi you will have the golden opportunity to learn Jikiden Reiki Shoden and Okuden seminars that give you all you need to know about original Reiki in order to treat yourself and others with Jikiden Reiki.
Universal life energy is an only a very minimal description of Reiki’s extraordinary benefit and effectiveness. Jikiden Reiki is a hand on and distant healing art and practice that attune and develop natural latent human healing energy and balances body, mind, heart and spirit in a structured way through light, gentle, non-intrusive touch and compassionate intention and regard. “Reiki is compassion in action.” Chiyoko Yamaguchi.
Jikiden Reiki can be a used as a personal tool for healing and growth, as a way to give supportive energy (to bless) family and friends, and as a complementary therapy to holistic, naturopathic, alternative and conventional medicines among an almost unlimited number of beneficial purposes. A Jikiden Reiki treatment simply supports the whole person physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually while drilling down on specific issues. Jikiden Reiki is easy to learn and can be used in a home or clinical setting to enhance the health and emotional wellness of both self and others.
Although the experience of Jikiden reiki treatment is completely individual — experienced by both the client and the practitioner as a variety of sensations, or no sensation at all — it is often reported as accompanied by a deep feeling of warmth, well-being, comfort, deep relaxation, and revitalization.
Jikiden Reiki treatment has been scientifically shown to accelerate healing. Many health professionals are effectively incorporating the use of Reiki into their individual practice. Those who learn Jikiden Reiki find that it can be successfully administered very simply in all kinds of settings: home, clinic, hospital, or any place where people experience stressed muscles, accidents, exhaustion, or personal trauma.
On the physical level, Reiki can bring relaxation to stressed muscles, decrease pain, accelerate the healing time of bones and wounds, diminish the tissue involvement of burns and bruises, and much more. On a mental and emotional level, anxiety is reduced, a sense of well-being is increased and another level of relaxation can be felt. Bad habits can be worked on. At this degree of deep relaxation, a rebalancing of energies can occur and the natural healing ability of the body is stimulated.
What will the course cover?
Jikiden Reiki Seminars
Jikiden Reiki stands for Reiki teachings from an original authentic Japanese lineage. Jikiden Reiki allows you to experience a Japanese form of Reiki in its original beauty, effectiveness and simplicity. All seminars follow exactly the same format so that Jikiden Reiki is always passed on in its original, simple form. Jikiden Reiki Shoden(Level 1 of Jikiden Reiki) Okuden(Level 1 of Jikiden Reiki) seminars give you all you need to know in order to treat yourself and others with Jikiden Reiki.
Jikiden Reiki first level Shoden
In Jikiden Reiki Shoden you receive 3 Reiju (attunements)and learn about:
The history of Reiki – Usui Sensei’s life
The history of Jikiden Reiki – the Yamaguchi family
The objectives of Jikiden Reiki
Gokai – the five Reiki Principles in Japanese
Reiki Mawashi
The concept of Byosen
The first Shirushi (symbol)
Learn and practice Ketsueki Kokan (blood circulation technique)
Reiki Okuri (a method used to feel the Reiki energy flowing)
Hatsurei-Ho (a method used to practice Reiki at home)
Reiki practice/exchange
Jikiden Reiki 2nd Level Okuden
Jikiden Reiki second level Okuden “Direct Transmission of Esoteric Wisdom”
In Jikiden Reiki Okuden, receive 2 reiju (attunements and you will learn about:
Reviewing contents of Shoden level
The second Shirushi (symbol)
A treatment used to help psychological and emotional issues
The Jumon for distant healing and practice using it in class
Look at Kokai Denju (the notes Usui Sensei left)
Reiki practice/exchange
Reiki Kokan, a candle ceremony introduced by Hayashi sensei in
Ishikawa, Japan
Learning Jikiden Reiki will not just give you an opportunity to learn Reiki Treatment as originally thought by Master Usui but you can also get you accredited to Jikiden Institution/you will get certification from Japan. You will be 6th in the lineage from the founder of this ancient Healing Treatment. If interested in learning Jikiden Reiki please contact us.
FAQ’s on Jikiden Reiki Workshop
About the Mentor
It gives immense pleasure to announce that Mrs Purvi Jayaaraaj is one among the every few in entire world who have learnt Jikden Reiki from such a short lineage, in fact the only Female teacher for Jikiden Reiki in south India and youngest in India. The credit of conducting the First ever Jikiden Reiki seminar in south India also goes to Mrs Purvi Jayaaraaj.
Bookings are closed for this event.
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